Normal Hours
LaCava Café
Nestled at the top of the hill, LaCava Café is our vibrant food court, offering diverse culinary options. You'll find it here whether you're in the mood for home-style entrées, freshly made pizza and pasta, Hissho Sushi, or something from our made-to-order grill. We also feature a variety of soups, deli selections, and salad favorites to satisfy any craving.
Accepted Tenders - Meal Trade(Select menu items only), Discretionary Dollars, Falcon Funds, Cash and Credit/Debit Card
If you have questions or want to share feedback, text BDiningComments to 82257.
Menus are subject to change.
Bentley University strives to make menu content accessible to visitors. If you have difficulty accessing information and need this content in an alternate format, please email us.

Normal Hours
LaCava Café
Nestled at the top of the hill, LaCava Café is our vibrant food court, offering diverse culinary options. You'll find it here whether you're in the mood for home-style entrées, freshly made pizza and pasta, Hissho Sushi, or something from our made-to-order grill. We also feature a variety of soups, deli selections, and salad favorites to satisfy any craving.
Accepted Tenders - Meal Trade(Select menu items only), Discretionary Dollars, Falcon Funds, Cash and Credit/Debit Card
If you have questions or want to share feedback, text BDiningComments to 82257.
Menus are subject to change.
Bentley University strives to make menu content accessible to visitors. If you have difficulty accessing information and need this content in an alternate format, please email us.